Before you get started, you need an apple developer account. For this tutorial, you need to do everything on a mac with the latest version of Xcode and Unreal Engine. Once you have that, start by going to, and scroll to the bottom and go to certificats, identifiers, and profiles. On this page, press the plus icon next to certificates. We are going to make a distribution ios app store certificate. Pick the certificate that says IOS distribution (app store and ad hoc). After you press continue, it will ask for a CSR file. To get one, go to the keychain access app on your mac. Go to the top menu, and under keychain access (next to the apple logo, and file menus), go to Certificate assistant, request a certificate from a certificate authority. Put in your name, and email, and choses save to disk. When it is done, you should have a CSR file on your disk. Upload this file back on the apple developer website. Download your certificate. Go back to the all certificates page, press on identifiers on the menu on the left. Create a new one (pick app ids, and app, not app clip), and put your app name in the description, and put something you will remember for the bundle id (write it down, we will need it later). Go back to the page we were at before, and pick profiles on the side menu. Select app store, under distribution. On the next page, pick the app id that you just made. On the next page, select the certificate that you just made. Name this profile anything that you want. Download the profile, we will need it in a few minutes. Now, open your unreal engine project. Go to project settings (file > project settings). Go to the packaging section, and set this build to shipping, and check the box that says for distribution. This is very important, because it will give a code sign error if you do not check that box. Go to IOS settings, and import the provisioning profile and certificate that we just made. In the bundle id field, put in your bundle id that you made (that I told you to remember). When this is done right, you should see your profile and certificate. Check the box for both of them. You can change any of the settings on that page. Now, package your project for IOS. When it is done, you will have an IPA file. You need to download an app from the mac app store called Transporter. Go to Press the plus icon to make a new app, and you need to pick the id that we just made, it will be one of the drop down menus. Now that your app is made in app store connect, go to the transporter app, and upload your .IPA file. After it uploads and processes, you will see the build in app store connect, in the activity tab. Once this happens, go to the testflight tab, and press on app store connect users, then add your apple id email there. Check that email, and there will be a link to download your app on your phone. Before you press that link, download testflight on your iPhone. When you press the link, you should be able to download your app. To put it on the app store, you need to fill your all of the information, then press submit for review. Someone will review it within a few days. When you package a new build in an unreal engine, make sure to put the build number in ios settings up by 1 every time. In the future, I plan on making an article on how to set up game center leaderboards, and achievements. If you have any questions, contact me.

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